Microsoft Office Features

How To: Work with nominal, ordinal & interval scale in Excel

If you use Microsoft Excel on a regular basis, odds are you work with numbers. Put those numbers to work. Statistical analysis allows you to find patterns, trends and probabilities within your data. In this MS Excel tutorial from everyone's favorite Excel guru, YouTube's ExcelsFun, the 10th installment in his "Excel Statistics" series of free video lessons, you'll learn how about data sets and the nominal, ordinal, interval and ration scales/levels of measurement and see two Pivot Tables that...

How To: Calculate excess over a hurdle in Microsoft Excel

New to Microsoft Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly useful as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this MS Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 99th installment in their series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to use the IF, MAX and the MIN functions to solve a basic problem in three different ways! See how to calculate the excess amount over a hurdle with three different methods!

How To: Count days excluding Sundays in Microsoft Excel

New to Microsoft Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly useful as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this MS Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 189th installment in their series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to count all the days except for Sunday using an array formula for a given date range with a specified start and end date.

How To: Extract a unique list from a huge data set in MS Excel

New to Microsoft Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly useful as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this MS Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 581st installment in their series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to use the advanced filter tool with criteria to extract a unique list of employees for each department from a huge data set with transactional records.

How To: Work with Chebyshev's Theorem & bell curves in Excel

If you use Microsoft Excel on a regular basis, odds are you work with numbers. Put those numbers to work. Statistical analysis allows you to find patterns, trends and probabilities within your data. In this MS Excel tutorial from everyone's favorite Excel guru, YouTube's ExcelsFun, the 48th installment in his "Excel Statistics" series of free video lessons, you'll see comparison of Chebyshev's Theorem and the Empirical Rule (bell curve) and learn when to apply which.

How To: Calculate markup on cost in Microsoft Excel

As you might guess, one of the domains in which Microsoft Excel really excels is business math. Brush up on the stuff for your next or current job with this how-to. In this tutorial from everyone's favorite digital spreadsheet guru, YouTube's ExcelIsFun, the 49th installment in his "Excel Business Math" series of free video lessons, you'll learn how to make calculations for markup on cost in MS Excel.

How To: Calculate taxable earnings given a ceiling in Excel

Whether you're interested in learning Microsoft Excel from the bottom up or just looking to pick up a few tips and tricks, you've come to the right place. In this tutorial from everyone's favorite digital spreadsheet guru, ExcelIsFun, the 34th installment in his "Highline Excel Class" series of free video Excel lessons, you'll learn how to create a formula that will calculate the taxable earnings for a payroll period when there are ceilings (hurdles maximum) for taxable earnings (above which ...

How To: Summarize data from multiple sheets in Microsoft Excel

New to Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly advanced as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 506th installment in their series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to summarize data from multiple sheets. For example, you'll see how take checkbook register data from multiple banks accounts and summarize it based on account names.

How To: Paste an Excel table into a PowerPoint for Mac 2011 presentation

Need to know how to paste an Excel table into a Microsoft PowerPoint for Mac 2011 presentation? This video will show you how it's done. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular word digital slideshow application, new to MS PowerPoint 2011 or even an expert merely looking to brush up on the fundamentals, you're sure to be well served by this quality video tutorial from the folks at Lynda. For detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch the video.

How To: Create and use multiple calendars in Microsoft Outlook 2010

In this clip, you'll learn how to create and work with multiple calendars when using Outlook 2010. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular email and scheduling application or a seasoned MS Office professional just looking to better acquaint yourself with the Outlook 2010 workflow, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, and to get started creating and juggling separate calendars yourself, watch this free video guide.

How To: Calculate total savings in Excel

This video will show you how to calculate the total savings on a transaction where there are two percentage series discounts and two dollar discounts. This video shows frugal bargain hunters how to simplify with an Excel sheet and find the total saving percentage. It teaches functions that can be used in the Excel sheet, plus useful tweaks and formulas.

How To: Repeat a list of names 7 times in Excel

The ExcelIsFun shows how to repeat a list of names seven times. He starts out by telling you a fast way to do this. He starts out by selecting the names already typed in then he presses Control C (Ctrl + c) on the keyboard. The next thing he does is move the cursor to a different column and in the first row. He presses Control V (Ctrl + v) to paste the names into the other column. By watching this video, you will find out how to quickly repeat a list of names 7 times or more.

How To: Use borders in MS Word 2007

To use borders in Microsoft Word 2007, you begin by clicking on the Page Layout tab. Next, click on Page Borders. This will open a window. Page borders will border the entire page. You are able to custom choose the width of the lines, the style of the border, or the color of the border. The color drop down menu will allow you to choose automatic colors or custom colors. You can also choose to remove one or more of the sides. You can decide which pages to add borders to, as well. There are als...

How To: Create drop down menus in Excel

In this software video tutorial you will learn how to create drop down menus in Excel using Data Validation. This example will show you how to display a list of parts in a drop down menu. Create the list of parts somewhere in your worksheet. Then in the cell underneath the one where you want to display the parts, go to the data validation window and enter the data. For this select the cell and then press 'Alt + D + L' to bring up the data validation box. Here you click on 'settings' and selec...

How To: Add current stock prices to an Excel table

As you might guess, one of the domains in which Microsoft Excel really excels is business math. Brush up on the stuff for your next or current job with this how-to. In this tutorial from everyone's favorite digital spreadsheet guru, YouTube's ExcelIsFun, the 33rd installment in his "Excel Business Math" series of free video lessons, you'll learn how to add current stock prices to a stock analysis table in Excel using a web query.

How To: Create drop-down menus in Microsoft Excel 2007

This video is a tutorial on how to create drop-down menus in Excel 2007. Select a cell on your spreadsheet and click on the “Data” tab. Go to the “Data Tools” section and select “Data Validation”. In the window that opens select "Allow" and choose "List". You will create a list of the values you want to allow. Type in the values, separated by commas, and click OK. Now you will see your selected cell has an icon to right that indicates there is a drop-down menu containing the value...

How To: Create date labels with YEAR, DATE & TEXT in MS Excel

New to Microsoft Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly useful as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this MS Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 300th installment in their series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to use the YEAR, DATE and TEXT functions and the ampersand (concatenation) to create a date label that adds leading zeros appropriately.

How To: Calculate the present value of an annuity with Excel's PMT function

As you might guess, one of the domains in which Microsoft Excel really excels is finance math. Brush up on the stuff for your next or current job with this how-to. In this tutorial from everyone's favorite digital spreadsheet guru, YouTube's ExcelIsFun, the 35th installment in his "Excel Finance Class" series of free video lessons, you'll learn how to calculate the present of a loan with the PMT function.

How To: Determine prime factors & reduce fractions in MS Excel

As you might guess, one of the domains in which Microsoft Excel really excels is business math. Brush up on the stuff for your next or current job with this how-to. In this tutorial from everyone's favorite digital spreadsheet guru, YouTube's ExcelIsFun, the 17th installment in his "Excel Business Math" series of free video lessons, you'll learn how to define prime numbers, determine prime factors, reduce fractions (i.e., write fractions in their lowest terms) and convert mixed numbers to imp...

How To: Do a complete loan analysis in MS Excel

As you might guess, one of the domains in which Microsoft Excel really excels is finance math. Brush up on the stuff for your next or current job with this how-to. In this tutorial from everyone's favorite digital spreadsheet guru, YouTube's ExcelIsFun, the 18th installment in his "Excel Finance Trick" series of free video lessons, you'll learn how to use the PMT and RATE functions for a complete debt/loan analysis.

How To: Navigate worksheets in Microsoft Excel 2007

Learn how to get get around worksheets in MS Excel 2007. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular spreadsheet application or a seasoned business professional just looking to better acquaint yourself with the unique features of Excel 2007, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, and to get started navigating Excel 2007 worksheets yourself, watch this free video guide.

How To: Use macros in Microsoft Excel 2007

Looking for an introduction on how to work with macros in Microsoft Excel 2007? Learn how to create linkage formulas in MS Excel 2007. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular spreadsheet application or a seasoned business professional just looking to better acquaint yourself with the unique features of Excel 2007, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, and to get started using absolute and relative macros in your own Excel 2007 workbooks, watch this free...

How To: Extract first, middle, & last names in Microsoft Excel

New to Microsoft Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly useful as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this MS Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 562nd installment in their series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to extract first, middle and last names when the list contains names where some have a middle name and some do not using the LEFT, SEARCH, LEN, SUBSTITUTE, LEN, MID and IF functions.

How To: Use the INDEX & MATCH functions in Microsoft Excel

Whether you're interested in learning Microsoft Excel from the bottom up or just looking to pick up a few tips and tricks, you've come to the right place. In this tutorial from everyone's favorite digital spreadsheet guru, ExcelIsFun, the 45th installment in his "Highline Excel Class" series of free video Excel lessons, you'll learn how to use the INDEX & MATCH functions.

How To: Set a milestone in MS Project 2007

In this software video tutorial you will learn how to set a milestone in MS Project 2007. Milestone is an important task. Lot many times a milestone is like a goal or deadline to be completed by a particular date. It is defined as a task that doesn't have a duration. To make a milestone, enter a task and under duration, enter 0d. This will turn in to a milestone. To make task in to a milestone, double click on the task. On the next window that comes up, look for and click on the 'advanced' ta...

How To: Find a checking account's service charge MS Excel

As you might guess, one of the domains in which Microsoft Excel really excels is business math. Brush up on the stuff for your next or current job with this how-to. In this tutorial from everyone's favorite digital spreadsheet guru, YouTube's ExcelIsFun, the 35th installment in his "Excel Business Math" series of free video lessons, you'll learn how to calculate the service charge for a checking account and see how to create a formula for the balance in a checkbook or checking register.

How To: Use the sparkline function in Microsoft Excel 2010

There is a new function in MS Excel 2010 called ‘Sparkline’ which helps you quickly find trends associated with a set of data. To create Sparkline, you can go to ‘Insert’ tab and then select ‘Sparkline’ section and then select the graph type. After you enter the data range and location range, the Sparkline will show up indicating the trend based on the data range you identified earlier. You can change the types and styles of your Sparkline easily. As the video demonstrates, whenever you use E...

How To: Show vendor names associated with a low bid in Excel

New to Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly advanced as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 518th installment in their series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to use the INDEX, SMALL, IF, COLUMN, COLUMNS, COUNTIF and MIN functions to extract and display vendor names when multiple vendors are ties for a low bid.

How To: Create bulleted or numbered lists in MS Word 2007

This video explains how to add a bulleted or numbered list in Microsoft Word 2007. The shortcut to create a bullet-list is simple holding Shift and pressing the "A" key. After you hit the space bar or type a character the bullet will appear, and when you hit the Enter key it will continue the bulleted list. For numbering you just need to type the number you want and a dot after it and it should begin a numbered list. The list will continue if you press enter just like a bullet-list will. If y...

How To: Copy and move worksheets in Microsoft Excel 2007

Learn how to copy and move sheets in MS Excel 2007. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular spreadsheet application or a seasoned business professional just looking to better acquaint yourself with the unique features of Excel 2007, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, and to get started manipulating your own Excel 2007 worksheets, watch this free video guide.